Truthbase Theatricals partners with families to cultivate the following values and character traits:
Character is the identifying mark of a person, distinguishing that person from others, primarily developed from doing what you do not want to do (i.e. enduring pain). One of the hallmarks of good and godly character is virtue/moral excellence.
The Greek word for virtue/moral excellence is Arete and denotes a life characterized by having one’s passions governed by noble objectives, setting the virtuous person above mere animals who operate only by natural instincts, and the spiritual believer above the carnal Christian (whose life is governed by natural rather than spiritual desires). Arete is something believers are commanded to add to their faith (2 Peter 1).
The classical virtues which hallmark moral excellence are further defined and illustrated below. We’ve selected a few examples of how TbT’s standards reflect these virtues. By committing to our production, you are committing to partner with us in supporting the beneficial, godly character we all seek to develop in the students!
To develop these traits, good choices must be made. A supportive theater environment is an ideal environment to practice. Ideally, kids progress from being parent-controlled to self-controlled, to Holy Spirit-controlled.
Choosing the right objectives and the right way of obtaining them, regardless of natural instinct or feelings.
Choosing to be God-glorifying, rather than self-aggrandizing; other-centered rather than selfish (see love below); deciding to be a team player who limits him/herself for the benefit of others or the production; developing emotional maturity to seek to encourage others rather than feed one’s own ego.
Examples of prudence:
- Choosing to prepare for rehearsal by putting the time in to learn my part and practice (which may involve the sacrifice of doing other more “fun” things), so we all grow in excellence (Prov 22:29)
- Choosing to humbly appreciate the success of others and not compare myself to others in a self-seeking or self-exalting way (Phil 2:4)
The ability to control one's emotions and desires and the expression of them, particularly in difficult situations.
This ability is regularly exercised in the theatre world as an actor does not often express how he or she is actually feeling but rather how the character would feel.
Examples of temperance:
- Choosing to listen carefully to feedback from teachers and the director, recognizing that feedback is for my benefit and paying attention to details in order to learn and grow (Prov 10:8)
- Choosing to demonstrate a cheerful attitude (other-centered) instead of a complaining attitude (self-centered) in order to have a positive vs negative impact on the people around me (Phil 2:14-15)
Strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage.
Examples of fortitude:
- Choosing to follow through on my commitment to come to rehearsal and be willing to say “no” to other activities I might also want to do for the benefit of the show and cast (Mark 8:34-35)
- Choosing to clarify and communicate for the best interest of the group. If I have a question, I will commit to ask and clarify (even if it feels scary). If something is bothering me, I will commit to bring the issue directly to the TbT Team vs gossip among others. (1 John 1:7)
Doing what is right and equitable in the sight of God. Recognizing there is due reward in accordance with what is honorable and expressed standards.
Example of justice:
- Choosing to recognize that there are just/fair consequences for failing to fulfill my commitment to come to rehearsal and to be prepared (i.e. minimizing my role, forfeit raffle tickets) (Gal 6:7)
Believing that God is who He said He is and will do what He said He'll do (reward diligent seekers). (Heb 11:6).
Examples of faith:
- Choosing to trust God to work through the Creative Team to handpick the best role, staging and rehearsal structure for the overall integrity of the production (Ps 84:11)
- Continuing to remember that God sees all that I think, do and say (what I do and why) and embracing His promise that He will give commendation and reward to His good and faithful servants. (Matt 25:23)
Persevering through difficult times knowing that the eternal benefit is worth it (Heb 6:10).
Example of hope:
- Choosing to never give up or get discouraged but continue working hard until I “get it” which benefits both the short-term objective of an excellent production and long-term objective of blessing from God (Col 3:23-24)
Self-sacrificially and humbly doing what is in the best and highest interest of others.
Choosing to consider others as more important than myself (God’s will), and His approval as more important than personal rejection (2 Tim 4). To love requires drawing on the Holy Spirit’s power to trust that God can and will meet my personal needs as I seek to meet the needs of others.
Example of love:
- Choosing to look for opportunities to serve other castmates, the Creative Team, TbT staff and parent volunteers who are working hard behind-the-scenes. Look pro-actively for needs and meet them! (John 13:14-16)